Reliable regardless of complexity

Customised solutions for piping and supports

We create custom piping and support solutions designed to meet the specific needs of your project. Our extensive experience and expertise in these areas enables us to deliver reliable and efficient systems, no matter the complexity of the task.

Why Choose Bormstaal for Piping and Supports?

Customized for Your Project: We understand that every project is unique. That’s why we work closely with you to create solutions that perfectly match your requirements, whether it’s liquid transport, gas pipelines or other applications.

Design Expertise: Our team of engineers and designers are dedicated to delivering top quality designs. We strive for efficiency and effectiveness in every aspect of your piping and support project, and we hold ourselves to the highest standards.

Robust Support Systems: Piping should never be unstable. That’s why we offer custom support systems designed to ensure the safety and reliability of your piping.

Quality and Safety Guaranteed: We set high standards for quality and safety. Our processes meet the highest standards to ensure a safe working environment and sustainability.

Cross-sector: Our expertise in piping and supports is applicable in various sectors, including (petro)chemical installations and power plants. Whatever your sector, we have the solutions you need.

Request a Custom Quote

Bormstaal is your reliable partner for piping and supports in Kloosterzande. Please contact us at with your wishes and specifications for a customized quote. We ensure that you have high-quality materials for your project quickly and at a competitive price. For further questions, we are also available by phone at 0114-683030.